Tax Attorney


IRS Announces 2015 Standard Mileage Rates

The IRS, in Notice 2014-79, announced the followed mileage rates for 2015:

  • For business use: 57.5 cents per mile (as opposed to the current 56 cents per mile)
  • For charitable use (rendering gratuitous services to a charitable organization under § 170 of the Internal Revenue Code): 14 cents per mile (as it is currently)
  • For medical care described under § 213 of the Internal Revenue Code: 23 cents per mile (as opposed to the current 23.5 cents per mile)
  • For a move for which the expenses are deductible under § 217 of the Internal Revenue Code: 23 cents per mile (as opposed to the current 23.5 cents per mile)

 See also IR-2014-114. Want to further discuss these issues?  Contact me at 954-944-3929 or*This document contains legal information, but does not contain legal advice.
